To follow up on our previous communication, we inform you that our production activities will resume in France on our site 2 and Speed Shop in Muret (31) as well as that of Vigneux de Bretagne (44) from tomorrow Thursday, March 26. The terms of this recovery have been validated by our CSE and our Union Representatives, they have been adapted to apply with the greatest rigor the barrier gestures in our workshops and thus limit the spread of contamination.
Our Tunisian site is closed on government decrees for an indefinite period, a request for exemption to maintain a partial activity is in progress.
start-up capacity will be around 15% with a ramp up for the following days. We will keep you informed on the evolution of our production capacity and our industrial organizations regularly according to the evolution of the sanitary situation and we assure you of the total commitment of MECAPROTEC Industries at your side to help you to better understand this situation exceptional.
During this restart phase and for any shipment of parts, we invite you to favor deliveries on the time slot between 8 am and 2 pm. In addition, a telephone reception will be provided at the following number: 05 61 51 82 12.
Please accept, Madam, Sir, our most sincere greetings.
The Direction