Definition :
- Check the production, guarantees the application on the ground of the politics of quality assurance led by the Management.
Job description :
- Control part : Based in workshop, be going to lean on instructions of control to verify conformity of parts in the course of treatment. In final to the last workshop, he guarantees on a certificate of compliance the adequacy : Order customer / order of internal manufacturing / made service.
- Consultant part : Assume an educational role of advice of the operators; watch the good use of qualifications delivered to the operators within the framework of the control of the processes.
Job conditions :
Work 35 hours per week in a 2 x 7 or whole day.
Competences needed :
- Knowledge of surfaces treatments or painting.
- Asserted personality, critical faculty.
- Teacher, relational sense.
Recruitment conditions :
- Experimented persons: unsolicited application
- Beginner: BTS industrial automation / DUT physical measures / DU materials at least, then functioning in duet during variable time.
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