This page describes the legal notices which apply to every Internet user visiting this site. In the consultant you make a commitment without reserve to respect them.
Publisher : MECAPROTEC Industries-MPI, company with capital of 18 000 000€, 34 boulevard de Joffrery, 31605 MURET Cedex
Responsible for the publication : Mrs Monique TRESSARIEU, Chief Executive Officer
Copyright and intellectual property:
This whole site raises from the international legislation on the copyright, the law of the marks and, in a general way, on the intellectual property, as regards each of the elements of its contents (texts, images, data, drawings, graphs, photos and sound tracks, animations, videos) that as regards its shape , arrangement of the materials, the means of access to the data, the organization of the data. These contents, appearing on the pages of this site, are the exclusive property of MECAPROTEC Industries-MPI.
The reproduction or the representation, complete or partial, pages, data and quite other element of the site, by some process or support whether it is, is forbidden and constitutes without express authorization and prerequisite of the publisher a forgery punished by articles L335-2 and following ones of the Code of Intellectual property.
The marks present on http: // and those of the partners of http: // as well as logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks in France and\or on the international stage under various declensions. Any total or partial reproduction of these marks or these logos, made from the elements of the site without the express and preliminary authorization of MECAPROTEC Industries-MPI is thus prohibited, in the sense of the article L713-2 of the Code of the Intellectual property.
Also, any use of the contents and the site in illegal purposes will be the object of legal proceedings towards the offenders.
By exception, certain contents (texts, images) are the property of their respective authors. Any reproduction, representation, distribution or repeat broadcast, in whole or in part, of the contents of this site on some support or by any process whether it is, as well as any sale, resale, broadcast or put at the disposal of third(third party) in any way are forbidden. The disregard of this ban constitutes an imitation susceptible to engage the civil and penal liability of the counterfeiter.